Biphasic Defibrilators

Today’s cardiac monitors have become very sophisticated and has the potential to help health care providers deliver better care. Zoll cardiac monitors is leading the way for the new ACLS class that is currently being taught by the American Heart Association. Life Pack has been proactive in helping the medical community in getting the Biphasic Defibrillators.

The EMS community has been very receptive to all of the new teachings coming from the AHA. In addition, the emergency room has seen a better resuscitation ratio from the previous year. Paramedics have been keen on using the BiPhasic technology to help save pediatrics. The PALS Provider Course is designed around delivering advanced life support to children. There is many discussion on the use of biphasic monitors for pediatrics. The American Heart Association does not advocate the use of this new technology for children. Be sure to follow your local protocols accordingly.

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